Matt and Hannah | Cave Point County Park Proposal

The world’s greatest metaphors all represent transition. Take a “bridge” for example; it represents a transition of place, leaving what was old for what is new. A bridge is the sturdy guide that allows us to reach what was once unreachable.

“Autumn” is another excellent metaphor, and it’s a transition from a time of life, energy, and youth to one of introspection, preparation, and maturity.

Today, however, is about the “proposal,” a transition between people, from a relationship of “will we?” to one of “we will.” Congratulations Matt and Hannah, and I wish you the best of luck in your next great metaphor.

Cody LaCrosse

wedding photographer | web designer | creator | husband


Jason and Kaitlin | Cave Point County Park Proposal


Alex and Jade | Cave Point County Park Proposal